Personal video work

Below are some personal projects involving video, editing, and some animation:

Energetic is a collaborative board game that teaches the complexities of building a clean energy grid. City Atlas demoed the game in various NYC high schools, and I edited the result.

An intro video to what later became the Climate Policy Digest by climate org 350NYC. It highlights some achievements of the movement and paints a path forward for building a national climate coalition.

Short video made from Martin Luther King's Beyond Vietnam speech. 50 years later, statistics from 1968 to 2018 are laid out on top of MLK's passionate words for visual depth and emotional punch.


Hi! I'm Lalo Remes, an animator/video producer and climate educator🧖🏻I specialize in animating explainers, editing interviews and packaging motion graphics. I have a decade of experience with After Effects, Premiere, Photoshop and Illustrator, as well as some Blender under my belt.In the past few years, my increasing concern and passion for climate justice has led me on a journey volunteering through various climate orgs, working in climate policy campaigns with various activist orgs, and graduating from CUNY with a Masters in sustainability.I currently focus my free time on expanding climate and energy literacy in young people through educational workshops with Climate Fresk and NYC City Atlas.


If you'd like to work together, have questions about my work, or just want to chat, please contact me through the links below, and I'll get back to you as soon as I can!


I currently focus my free time on expanding climate education and energy literacy in young people through various workshops and games, like Climate Fresk and Solutions: The Game. The main educational project that I train and facilitate is Energetic, a board game by City Atlas that focuses on the clean energy transition in NYC.As the climate crisis worsens and governments drag their feet on the fundamental fixes needed in policy and culture, climate education stands out as an opportunity to sow the seeds of change, and I'm commited to expanding it and making it as engaging as possible.